- Weak relationship with her father
- Has only male friends
- She does not believe in being submissive and that the man is the head
- Does not respect her father
- She expects everything to be done and given to her
- She creates unnecessary drama
- She doesn’t want a family
- She doesn’t like children
- She’s always on her phone, even with you
- She takes hours (even days) to respond back to you
- She hates all her ex’s
- She lacks feminine attributes like class and patience
- She’s heavily invested to her career
- She enjoys going out to the club/bars every weekend
- She dresses slutty
- She posts half naked photos on Instagram
- She gets all her validation from social media
- Everybody’s women: they some women that are for all of us, everybody. They post half naked pictures on the internet to entertain all of us, they live a promiscuous life, mostly transactional for our own pleasure, such women are just for fun, and shouldn’t be taken seriously.
- The self-acclaimed high maintenance women who can’t afford their extravagant lifestyles without men sponsoring it.
- Women who thinks they are better than men.
- Women who are in competition with their friends. They will drain you.
- Broke women: they won’t date you if you were broke, so why settle for less and date them now that you’re financially okay? You deserve better.