Most women will purposely create false hope just to keep you chasing them because they like the attention. She usually has zero interest in actually taking things further with you but by giving you little glimpses of hope every now and then she keeps you holding on and ensures that you continue to chase her. I will share with you three signs to look out for and will help you realize you’re dealing with this type of woman:
You’re always available for her but she’s never available for you.
So there’s no such thing as being too busy for someone, that’s just code for I don’t have enough time for you. When a woman is truly interested in a man she makes time for him no matter how inconvenient it might be. She will always try to impress and show you reasons why she’s worthy to be your woman.
Is she’s talking to other men?
So when a woman is really and if mean really into you you’ll notice that she’ll actually start cutting off men before you two even make anything official. Her attention is 100 concentrated on you. If she’s entertaining other men that means that she’s still on the market and she’s definitely not trying to be taken off by you. You might just be in the friend zone.
Is she giving you the runaround?
You’ll notice that she’ll try to either completely avoid conversations about being together or when feelings come up she may be like extremely vague about it. So she may say things like well you know I just have a lot going on right now and it’s just all a part of keeping you chasing. She’s definitely not attracted to you and is only keeping you around because you’re valuable. So here’s a tip for you guys do not and I repeat do not mistake her wanting to be around you for genuine interest.
So sometimes women will force themselves to be around you if they feel like that you’re catching on to their game and they’re losing your attention, so it’s a way to re-entice and reel you back in. It’s basically to guarantee that she still has a hold on you. So yes like I said at the beginning women will never tell you that but I will so until the next. Thank you and never settle for less.