Men are designed to earn their value while women preserve theirs. Our value is what attracts people, without value no one wants to date you or be friends with you. We become a liability to people around us when we have nothing to offer. For example, you go to the ATM to withdraw some cash but for some reason, it’s empty. What do you do? You leave and look for one loaded with cash. So basically, a man that has no value is either a low value man or not even recognized as a man at all.
I will share with you 6 things to make you valuable as a man.
Build a Body You Can Be Proud Of
Use your 20s to get in great shape. Don’t sit at home all day watching TV, browsing social media and eating junks. Instead of being lazy, getting out shape and slowing becoming a low value man, workout regularly. Hitting the Gym has numerous benefits for every guy. Not only do your health and physique improve but you also look good, you can improve your overall appearance by a mile just by going to the gym.
Choose Your Friends Wisely
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn. The quickest way to change is to surround yourself with the kind of people you aspire to be. Your friends should inspire and motivate you to reach your goals. There’s a saying that goes like this “show me your friends and I will tell you who you’re.”
Avoid Comparing Yourself with Others
The best way to feel like you’re not good enough is to keep comparing yourself with others. You are going to get nothing accomplished by doing that. Comparing yourself with others has the capacity of slowing you down from achieving your dreams faster. Personal investment is the best investment one can think of doing. Set your goals & work hard towards them
Invest In Yourself
Nothing in life is permanent except you. Material things can be easily taken away from you. But no one can take your Knowledge & Skills away from you. An investment in yourself will always provide you with better returns than any other asset class. Life’s much better when you are focused on improving yourself. Improving yourself makes it difficult for people to easily discard you.