Do you know why some guys get chased by girls while others get completely ignored? There is a biological secret that will have girls obsessing over a guy. This secret is the complete opposite of what they have always told you in the movies.
If you follow the standard advice Disney and other movies have told you, you will start doing everything for the girl you want. You will travel the ocean, slay the dragon and get the treasures for her. In real life traveling the ocean is your time spent on her, slaying the dragon is the things you do for her such as solving problems and getting treasures is the money you spend on her. What happens when you follow this advice in real life is that the girl will put you in the friend zone. You see, you are valuable enough for her to keep around but you don’t interest romantically or sexually. You can keep slaying all the dragons and the girl will chase some other guy that doesn’t even seem to pay attention to her (don’t feel offended, it’s their nature).
Girls want a guy that is better than them. A guy that is unavailable to a girl will trigger the subconscious thought inside of her that the guy is chasing something bigger and more important than her. The unavailability also signals to the girl that the guy is not desperate for her attention and has other options (it drives them crazy). This classifies this guy as a high value man and so she begins to chase him. The guy that is always available and always willing to spend his time and energy on her actually triggers the exact opposite subconscious thoughts. She sees this guy as a lower tier man, a man that is desperate and that can easily be replaced.
There is a quote that goes “if you treat her like a celebrity she’ll treat you like a fan”. Most guys don’t understand this quote and treat a girl like a celebrity. A typical Mr. Nice Guy that can’t wait to show off how nice and sweet he is to the girl he wants. What you will find is that it’s often these same guys that will complain about how confusing girls are and how the douchebags get all the girls. The alpha male, the bad boy and the jerk all have one thing in common, they focus on themselves and they hold a strong frame with girls. This is incredibly attractive to girls.
Now what does it mean to hold frame? It means people are playing by your rules, they accept your frame, your values and morals and they accept your leadership. A frame is this unspoken acceptance of one person’s authority and the other person is going to follow along with, this is something the typical nice guy does not have.
Girls biologically test if the man they want has a strong masculine frame, subconsciously she will test it and sometimes she will do it by starting a fight. The guy that has a strong frame doesn’t get emotional or start arguing back and forth, he might laugh it off or ignore what was said completely. This shows the girl that this is a mentally strong man and that she can’t emotionally control him. Just this minor instance of her testing his frame and the guy easily passing the test will increase her attraction for the guy.
Don’t to be available all the time, maintain an aura of mystery when you interact with girls, always hold frame and focus on your own goals. Thank you for reading.