Wives who also contribute to finances in their home shares how they feel about their partner and tells us if they: respect their husbands any less and plan to cheat.
She is the main provider and his presence sometimes irritates her. She also feels he should not question whatever she does.
I am married-one year in with three kids. I am the main provider in our home. Do I respect my husband any less? Not always. However, on some days especially when the bills are too much, yes that respect dips and I feel like his presence is offensive and since I provide then he shouldn’t question anything I do. During those times I will make critical decisions but just inform him, not involving him. On cheating, maybe for other reasons like companionship not because he doesn’t provide
He provides but doesn’t provide knacks. So she wants to cheat on him.
I’m really thinking of cheating on him. Since I gave birth to our daughter in August 2021 and we last had sex in July 2021. Also, I don’t contribute in the house. It’s just small things, which I wouldn’t say I contribute because it’s his money anyway. On the other hand, I doubt I can find someone who will match him in regards of providing. I just don’t know what to do. He does have sex with whoever. I’ve found condoms and lubricant in his car many times. I even begged him to knack me. Just yesterday our daughter came with condoms from his bag. Also he did not see me when I was delivering the baby through C-section.
She contributes but doubts she will be happy doing it in the long run. She also can’t say if she will cheat.
I have lived with my husband for 5 years, married for 1 year so far. I do contribute to the finances of the home but not in a static way like him who has to cover rent and any major bills that come up. I work too so I end up doing some shopping, running the home here and there but not as compared to him. I can testify that I don’t think it’s easy to live with a man if he doesn’t provide. I really can’t imagine. I know that we would not be happy sincerely if he wasn’t owning up most of the costs. He never asks me where my money goes but he also notices that the house is always well kept, child has clothes, small bills are paid so we have never had a money conversation. I honestly can’t say I would cheat because we share bills but I’m sure we would not be happy at all if I felt the burden heavily.
She contributes because she feels “useless” if she doesn’t. But a lot of times, she thinks her decisions are better than her husband’s.
I feel useless if I don’t, plus why else am I making money if not for my family, I also don’t feel comfortable always asking for money. I can only feel bad if I’m not making much money and have to take care of all bills, because of the stress than comes with it but if God blesses me and I can comfortably afford it, I’m good.
As for cheating, I’ve never thought of it, I don’t think I ever will but if eventually I do, it wouldn’t be because of finances. I didn’t do hookup when I was in school when hunger nearly finished my life so NO!. For the respect, I don’t respect him less. Although, I get strong head and a lot of times I feel my decisions are better.
Husband lost his job since COVID and she has been providing. They lost their home as they could not afford rent. The only reason she’s not lashing out on him is because he has high blood pressure.
I’ve been married for over 5 years now. Hubby lost his job due to coronavirus and I’ve been holding the fort since then. He developed high blood pressure afterwards and I think that has been the main reason why I’ve not lashed out at him. Truth is it’s not been easy holding the fort, he tries his best too but the job he got afterwards isn’t helping much. In fact, we lost our home last year because we couldn’t afford the rent and I had to come back to my parent’s house. It gets so depressing and tiring most times that I will want to lash out at him that I’m tired but each time I remember he has high blood pressure, I control myself and just keep praying and encouraging him because the truth is even though I’m doing most on my own, I wouldn’t want to ever lose him cause I definitely can’t cope alone. It has also affected our sex life because the only thing I think about is how to make money, pay bills and take care of our daughter. I can’t even remember the last time we had sex. I have never cheated on him nor disrespected him cause I know things will definitely get better soon.
She contributes and married her husband when she was earning more and she’s happy doing it.
I don’t love or respect my husband any less because I contribute financially, which I do. In fact I got married to my husband when I was earning more than him and I find contributing to the home satisfactory. I take joy in knowing that I can contribute to what stands as a family income. I can contribute for my kids fees, feeding, building plans and all. It gives me a sense of self worth and gives me a purpose to keep pushing. I am proud of myself as a supportive wife and mum. And no, I will never cheat on my husband as long as I have the 5 senses that I have. Not on the basis that I contribute nor on any other unfounded basis.