There’s no question that guys have it tough when it comes to understanding women. Many books, articles and websites are devoted to the topic but what about sigma males? They’re the guys who seem to have it all together. Sigma males are always different and their actions are never predictable. They’re the type of man who knows exactly who he is and what he wants out of life rather than being swayed by fads or peer pressure. They base their actions and decisions on personal principles and values. In other words there are very few things that convince a sigma male to act against his will. Women are naturally attracted to this type of man because they are rare, different, challenging and always seem to be in control.
They never chase women
As any man knows, the chase is an essential part of the game. Women want to be pursued and men want the satisfaction of knowing they’ve won the prize but what if you’re tired of playing the game? Sigma males know that chasing women is a fruitless endeavor and they would rather let the woman come to them. This doesn’t mean that they are shy or uninterested, they just understand the games that women play and refuse to participate. This often confuses women because they are used to being pursued but the sigma man’s attitude turns their expectations upside down. This is the moment when many women start to fall for the sigma male, while it may seem like he doesn’t care the reality is that he just doesn’t play games. They understand woman’s psychology better than anyone and use it to their advantage. Chasing women is a waste of time and energy for a sigma. Sigma men don’t need to chase women to feel better about themselves instead of chasing women they focus on their own goals and ambitions, this is another thing that sparks a woman’s interest. This doesn’t mean that sigmas don’t date or have girlfriends they just aren’t looking for validation from women. They would rather be alone than waste their time on things for immature men.
They’d never put women on a pedestal
One of the biggest mistakes men make is putting women on a pedestal especially if you just met her. This is often done in an attempt to impress or attract them but all it really does is putting you in a submissive position. It makes you look like you’re the one chasing after her and doing everything you can to win her approval. Many men do this thinking they are chivalrous or gentlemen while there is nothing wrong with being courteous and polite, don’t do it to the point where you’re trying too hard to please her. Women will always try to test you, they are hardwired that way. If you give in then she owns you. A sigma man doesn’t put women on a pedestal, he knows they are equal but different. He treats women with respect but does not let them control him. A sigma is the perfect balance of these two things: he is strong enough to stand up to a woman and not be controlled by her but he is also considerate and respectful. This makes sigma men an incredible challenge for any woman.
They never seek approval or validation from women
In the animal kingdom when a male lion takes over a pride he doesn’t need to constantly seek the approval of the females in his new group, he doesn’t have to prove himself worthy. He is already considered the king of the jungle and while human males are not lions, we still operate under many of the same primal instincts. Unlike alpha and beta males, sigma males never seek approval or validation from women to feel like men. They are confident and secure in their masculinity regardless of what any woman thinks. Sigmas never let anyone else define their self-worth, they are entirely self-reliant and confident in their own skin. This makes them very intriguing to women who are instinctively drawn to men with strong personalities. Seeking approval or validation is just a form of neediness and it’s something that women can smell from a mile away. Sigma males don’t need anyone else to validate their worth. This doesn’t mean that they are rude or aloof they just have a strong sense of self-confidence that comes from knowing who they are and what they want.
They never use cheesy pickup lines
Not only are they corny but they also usually don’t work, save them for the movies or better yet just don’t use them at all. Instead of using cheesy pickup lines, sigmas focus on being themselves and building genuine connections with the women they meet. The best way to attract a woman is by being authentic and genuine not by using some rehearsed line they read in a book. Women can see right through these lines and sigmas would rather just be honest from the start. This doesn’t mean that you have to tell her everything about yourself but you should avoid using any lines that aren’t truly reflective of who you are. Sigma males let their unique personality shine, making them more attractive to women than any pickup line could ever. Cheesy pickup lines are like a cheap suit, they might make you look good at first glance but upon further inspection it’s clear that they’re just a facade.
They never play the victim card
Playing the victim card is just a ploy to get attention and sympathy from women it’s something that beta males do to get ahead in the dating game but it doesn’t work with women who are attracted to sigmas. A sigma is never the victim when it comes to women, he doesn’t need sympathy because whatever happens to him he always finds a way to bounce back. He is always in control of his own destiny and takes responsibility for his own actions and he never blames others for his failures or shortcomings. This is because playing the victim card will only make him look weak to women so instead, he focuses on what he can do to improve himself and become the best man he can be. This doesn’t mean that the sigma male is perfect, far from it but he is always striving to be better and knows that taking responsibility for his own life is the best way to achieve this. Women are naturally drawn to his strength and confidence and he never has to play the victim card to get what he wants from them. Sigma males are the true lone wolves operating outside of the mentality that dominates conventional society. They are strong and independent, unafraid to chart their own course in life. In a world full of beta males who slavishly follow the rules and play the victim card, sigma men stand out like a beacon of strength and self-reliance.
They never use violence to solve their problems
Violence is never the answer especially when it comes to women. This is something that all sigma males know and abide by. They are the strong silent type of men who solve their problems with their brains instead of their brawn. While other men might try to impress women with their physical strength, sigma men win a woman over by using their intelligence and they are experts at using their words to persuade and influence others. They know how to get what they want without resorting to violence. Their ability to read people and understand their motivations makes them very effective communicators. This is one of the many things women find so attractive about sigma males. Sigmas know how to push all the right buttons to get what they want without ever having to resort to violence. The key is to never lose control, always stay calm and collected no matter the situation, this is the sigma male secret weapon. It might sound easy but it’s actually quite difficult to do. Most men let their emotions get the best of them and that’s when things start to get out of hand.
They never say yes to everything
Being a yes man with women is a sure way to end up in the friend zone. Women don’t want a man who agrees with everything they say it’s like talking to a wall. They want a confident man to stand up for himself and express his own opinions. A sigma male knows how to do this without being disrespectful or pushy, he knows when to push back and when to let things go. Saying no doesn’t mean that you are disagreeable or difficult to get along with. While it’s important to be flexible, it’s also important to know when to stand your ground. A sigma man is a strong and independent thinker, not a mindless follower, he knows how to think for himself and make his own decisions (another quality that women find very attractive in men). Saying yes to everything not only makes you boring and uninteresting but it also makes you look weak and indecisive. There will be times when it’s necessary to go along with what she wants but a sigma knows how to pick his battles and how to balance being accommodating with being assertive. This is a charming quality in a man and it’s something that women are instinctively drawn to.
They don’t try too hard
Trying too hard is one of the most unattractive things a man can do. It comes across as neediness and desperation (two things that are sure to send any woman running in the opposite direction). Sigma males always play it cool, they never try too hard or come on too strong, they are happy with taking things slow and easy. This isn’t to say that they are afraid of commitment, they just know there is no need to rush things. Trying too hard is always a major turn off so relax and take things easy. If she likes you she’ll definitely let you know. You don’t need to force anything, just let things happen naturally and see where they go. Analyze the situation and make your move when the time is right. Sigma men are silent observers who take in all the information before making their next move whether in business or with a woman (they love to play the long game). their reflective nature allows them to see things that other people miss, this will give you a major advantage in any situation.
They don’t try to fix them
If you try to fix a woman she will only see you as controlling and manipulative. No one wants a partner who is always trying to tell them what to do or how to live their life. Like any human being, women are capable of fixing their own problems. The best way to help a woman is to simply be there for her. Sigma males offer their support and understanding without trying to take over or control the situation. Women need support and advice but they also need their independence. Sigmas will never get in someone else’s life to fix what’s broken, that’s not their style. They would much rather help people find their own solutions, this is why other people find them so inspiring.
They don’t text her all the time
While it’s important to stay in touch, texting her all the time is a sure way to kill the attraction. Women feel attracted to busy men who have their own lives, they want a man in demand not one who is always available at the push of a button. It’s human nature to want what you can’t have, this is especially true when it comes to women. If you’re always available she will take you for granted and eventually get bored. While you might think that sigma males are playing hard to get they simply know the value of their time. Of course, this doesn’t mean they want to be completely out of touch, they just don’t feel the need to text or call every hour of the day. While they may appear unapproachable at times they’re actually just very independent and their actions always speak louder than words this is often what makes them so irresistible to women. Sigma males use their mobile phones as a tool not a crutch, they know how to text and call when it matters but they also know when to put it away.