In this post we will be talking about the worst punishments in history. It is important to note that these punishments are against human rights and are no longer practiced. With that being said, let’s dive in.
The Brazen Bull
The brazen bull, also known as the “bull of Phalaris,” was a torture and execution device used in ancient Greece. The brazen bull was designed in the form and size of an actual bull and had an acoustic apparatus that converted screams into the sound of a bull. It was a large, bronze statue of a bull that was hollowed out to create a chamber where the victim could be placed.
The victim was then locked inside the chamber and a fire was set beneath the bull, heating the metal until it became extremely hot. This would cause the victim inside to be roasted alive, resulting in a slow and painful death.
The brazen bull was designed to amplify the screams of the victim, as the heat of the bronze would cause the metal to expand and the screams of the victim would be funneled through the bull’s nostrils, creating the illusion that the bull was bellowing. It was said that the screams of the victims were so loud and terrifying that they could be heard from a great distance.
The use of the brazen bull as a form of execution is considered as a particularly cruel and inhumane form of punishment, it’s not used in any legal system and it’s condemned by international laws and human rights.
Rat Torture
Rat torture is so awful that it’s difficult to comprehend how someone could have thought it up in the first place.
Rat torture is a method of punishment that has been used throughout history in various cultures and countries. It is a particularly inhumane form of punishment that involves using live rats to inflict pain and suffering on the victim.
The method typically involves confining live rats to a metal container that is placed on the victim’s body which is then secured so that rat can’t escape, the victim is restrained so they cannot move.
Finally, a fire is placed on top of the cage. The rats begins to panic and tries to escape and desperately looks for a way out.
The rats, driven by their natural instincts to burrow and gnaw, will begin to dig holes into the belly of the victim tearing through the intestines, biting and clawing at them. The victim is subjected to extreme pain and suffering as the rats burrow deeper and deeper into their body, searching for a way out.
It is important to note that the rat torture is a brutal and inhumane form of punishment and it’s not used in any legal system, it’s a form of torture that is condemned by international laws and human rights. It’s important to raise awareness about such practices and condemn them.
Poena Cullei (from Latin ‘penalty of the sack’)
The “Poena cullei” punishment, also known as “Sicilian Basket” was a form of execution that was used in ancient Rome. It was considered one of the most severe punishments and was reserved for the most heinous crimes, particularly parricide – the killing of a close family member such as a parent or child.
The punishment involved the convicted person being sewn into a leather bag, along with a dog, a snake, a rooster, and a monkey. The idea behind this was that the animals would attack and kill the person inside the bag as a symbol of the person’s punishment fitting the crime they committed. The bag would then be thrown into the sea or a river, and the person would be left to die. The name “Poena cullei” comes from the Latin phrase “poena” meaning punishment, and “culleus” meaning leather bag.
It is worth noting that this punishment was not used in a systematic way, it was very rare and was considered a particularly heinous and repugnant punishment. It was intended to serve as a deterrent and a public spectacle, and it was designed to instill fear in the population as well as to provide an example of the severity of the crime. The punishment was not only inflicted on the criminal but also on their family who had to bear the shame and dishonor of having a member of the family executed in such a brutal way.
Scaphism a.k.a “The Boats”
Scaphism was an ancient punishment that was used to execute criminal who had committed terrible crimes. The punishment began by tying the criminal between two boats, leaving their head and hands, and feet exposed. They were then force-fed a mixture of milk and honey, which attracted bugs like flies, bees, and wasps. The bugs would lay eggs on the criminals exposed skin, and when the egg hatched, the larvae would burrow into their flesh, causing severe pain and infection. The criminal would be left in a period or marsh to suffer, and eventually die from starvation, dehydration or sepsis. It was considered one of the most brutal and inhuman forms of punishment and was abolished by the Persian Empire in the 5th century BC.