What you’re about to learn today makes you the guy that she can’t stop thinking about but first word of caution, use this responsibly because these are super powerful techniques that can be used for good or evil if you use this girls will be obsessed with you so don’t use it in a toxic way. Now when that’s out of the way let’s get right into it.
If you want a girl to get crazy about you first you have to understand attention and approval. What will make a girl obsessively think about you is her craving for your approval and to make her want your approval you have to make her work for your approval. What a lot of guys miss is that girls fall in love with you in your absence. It’s the times when you don’t respond right away, when she feels uncertain how you feel about her. It is wondering about you that makes her fall in love with you and the more she obsesses about you the more she actually becomes convinced that she’s in love with you otherwise why is she thinking about you so much. This obsessive loop makes her start to instinctively seek for your approval, she starts to perceive you as a high value man and the chase for your love begins but the question is how to start this obsessive loop.
You see the girl can only obsess over the guy that she perceives as having a higher value than she is. If she perceives you in a more powerful position she will seek your attention, approval and validation. For her to see you as a more valuable one you have to approach her as if you were the prize. A lot of guys don’t understand this, they approach girls as if she was the prize, giving her compliments and buying her gifts. If you approach a girl and come from the position of low value which means trying to prove to her that you’re a good fit and she has to like you, she will instinctively see herself as a more valuable one and you’ll be on the chasing end.
If you are chasing someone you’re seeking their validation so to be in a more powerful position you have to stop seeking validation. How do you do that? You’re chasing validation by trying to prove something to people. For example, if you’re trying to make a girl like you, you may try to impress her by telling how much money you earn, what can you drive and the people you hang out with. In your mind you think that these things will make you seem as a more powerful one, in other words as a cool. Trying to prove to her means that you’re actually not that cool and that she has the power to say you’re cool or not which doesn’t really make you cool, it makes you come off as needy. Women don’t like needy men. For a woman, a man’s neediness pushes her away like a bad breath. What makes a woman attracted is your willingness to walk away from her. A woman wants to feel that she’s dating a high value guy. Don’t try to impress her and act like every other guy, don’t. That willingness to walk away will make her feel attracted to you. She will feel that she can’t fully have you and that’s exciting for her.
What I noticed in a lot of guys these days is that guys are afraid to act disinterested. The reason acting disinterested and not being so impressed by the girl works so well is because human nature tends to chase the things that are slightly unavailable to us. Girls love guys that are not so easy to get because it creates a challenge. They start to chase to win you over because all the other guys are chasing her and trying to impress her. By showing that you don’t care that much about her she starts to wonder what’s so special about you, why don’t you care that much as other guys do and that’s the start of her attraction to you.
High value men look at girls differently, they don’t try to impress the girl, just have a casual conversation and enjoy a great time with her. They act as if the girl is already attracted to them and approach the girl as if she has to prove herself to him. Confident men always assume that women want them. For most guys it seems too arrogant to act in this way. they think that it’s wrong in some way to feel entitled to women, they think that if they show too much confidence to women that they are going to be judged but in reality you have to realize that there is no such thing as too much confidence. High value men don’t care if on the outside they might appear too confident or sometimes a bit arrogant because that’s what women want.
The thing is that we as guys since childhood were taught that women have to be treated with respect and don’t get me wrong, I fully agree with that. Being respectful to women doesn’t mean being overly nice to her and being sure that you won’t say anything that will offend her. Treating her with respect means acting like a high value man, having fun by teasing her, making silly jokes about how she acts and looks and most importantly acting like the prize with her. In this way you create attraction within her which leads to mutual respect.
The sad thing I noticed in this modern society is that a lot of guys have lost touch with their masculine essence. They are becoming weak and easily controlled by women, we start to think we should worship women like goddesses. We start to deny our masculinity and don’t want to appear too masculine because we’re afraid of being labeled as toxic, misogynistic. As a confident man you’re not that concerned about offending people. You’re not doing that intentionally but you live your life without apologies.
Most men think that women want this kind sweet little man that would be loving towards her, be nice and make her happy in every possible way. Women want a man who is cocky, confident and arrogant. Sometimes women want a man who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to take the things that he wants. The sense of entitlement signals to women that you deserve them that you feel worthy of them. You are a powerful man who lives in his own reality in his own movie and because you are this high value man they want to be in your movie, they want to be drawn into to your reality and shown the world that you live in.