In the modern world things are always changing but there are things that never change that is the reality. A man should be able to handle himself no matter what the situation is and there are skills every man needs to master no matter what times we live in. Some people are going to read this and think to themselves its toxic masculinity. It is understandable, we are suffering from a pandemic of weak men they have been brainwashed to believe that men and women are the same. In this post we will go over six skills every man needs to master in life.
Knowing How To Fight
It doesn’t matter if you are a businessman a doctor or a comedian if you don’t know how to fight you lack masculinity. Getting into brawls or street fights is something everyone should avoid but that doesn’t mean basic fighting skills should be avoided. Let’s go over a situation that could happen to you, one day you might walk on the street with your wife and some guy walks by and slaps her on her butt what would you do in a situation like this? You can’t rely on calling the police because he will not stand around and wait for them to arrive. You could decide to ignore it completely but you would lose your woman’s respect and your own self-respect. No one should be able to put their hands on the people you love and care about without consequences. It would shock you how many men in the modern day choose to ignore the situation and try to rationalize why they didn’t do anything. One of your duties as a man is to protect your people. By ignoring a situation like this you have sacrificed your own honor and have given up your role as a protector. Listen closely, never start a fight if you can avoid it but you might find yourself in a situation in which you have no choice but to defend yourself
The Ability To Defuse Conflict
This skill directly follows up on knowing how to fight regardless of how strong you may be. In the art of fighting you should always try diplomacy and persuasion to calm down the situation. Knowing how to simmer tempers down or break up a fight makes you a leader. It’s like when all the male gorillas stop their Shenanigans when the alpha male gorilla walks in. The alpha male can keep other male gorillas in line because of who he is. The ability to defuse conflict can only be truly mastered by the person that can also be dangerous. This is why knowing how to fight and the ability to defuse conflict go hand in hand.
Have A Strong Presence
Have you ever noticed that some men have a strong presence? A presence that when this man walks in the room he commands respect even without saying a word. What if I told you it’s not some magical gift but it’s actually a skill that can be learned. You see, this presence is an accumulation of many small things and habits you need to look people in the eye when you talk to them and walk with your chest out. When you make eye contact with another man you nor your head and acknowledge them. The truth is that Charisma is a learned behavior, a skill to be developed in much the same way that we learned to walk or practice vocabulary when studying a new language. Now I will say that a lot of guys fake these things and it never works, everyone recognizes a faker. The best way to learn this skill is to surround yourself with real men, look at what they do and learn from them. This could be your own father, a mentor you have or other men such as men you know from a fighting Club. Fighters are often the most respectful and peaceful guys yet they command respect and carry themselves well.
Deep Critical Thinking
The ability to think deeply on a range of topics will help you to become a much better conversationalist. It’ll also give you the mental faculty to improve the overall quality of life and make better decisions. The first step to critical thinking is to consider more than one point of view, don’t believe everything you’re told but also don’t believe everything you think you know. It’s easier said than done but critical thinking requires you to leave your own opinions and biases at the door and embrace other information. Just because you’ve always done something a certain way doesn’t mean it’s the right way, question your assumptions and beliefs, be open to considering different points of view and the validity of other arguments, you might just learn something new.
Being Good With Your Money
Arguably the greatest letdown of schools, universities and colleges is the lack of financial education. We get taught to go through life with no clue on how to actually treat money, make good financial decisions and set ourselves up for financial freedom. We are raised to believe that you have to have a job where you earn a salary. If you can start shifting your financial mindset then you can start making changes for the better. A famous finance book that helped a lot of people and force them to look at money from a different perspective is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Start learning about money as soon as possible, this is a crucial skill for Life.
Learn To Manage Stress
How you manage to handle stress and your success in life are directly linked. The man who panics and crumbles under pressure will never outperform the man that is able to stay rational and think critically during hard times. Stress plays a part in everyone’s life, as a man you will get more and more responsibilities in life and that can become stressful. Many stressful situations in life arise because we procrastinate. If you find you are always doing things last minute, chances are that you are procrastinating. Take control by writing out everything you need to do and the deadline. Just the act of writing out your list can help you take it out of your head and help with your stress levels.
Both women and men should aim to become stronger. However, women are forgiven for not being able to handle the pressure and men are not. As a man you must be able to deal with the pressure and not complain about it. Don’t forget to show some love by dropping a comment.